Tag: Healthcare

Me staring seriously at the camera

Published: January 26, 2021

My Spondylitis Story

This article has been taken from Chapter 9 of my book – Taking Charge – Making your healthcare appointments work for you.

Tags: ankylosing spondylitis | book | healthcare
doctor typing on a laptop

Published: February 11, 2017

Improve your healthcare appointments with this simple action

If you have at least one chronic illness, you will have multiple symptoms and problems. That’s just a fact. You health will never be still. It will ebb and flow like a river. And you won’t always know what direction it will meander next.

Tags: ankylosing spondylitis | chronic illness | healthcare | taking charge

Published: June 13, 2014

The Ambivalence of Change

Change can be scary, provocative, and hysteria inducing. Change can also be exciting and positive!

Tags: ankylosing spondylitis | healthcare

Published: May 23, 2011

Mind, Body..... and Soul?

Healthcare today has advanced and evolved significantly to that of previous generations. No longer do we believe smoking is actually good for you, nor that mercury cures syphilis, or any other ailment that didn’t already have a cure for that matter. What we do know now is that the human body is complex, and healthcare should not just treat the physical form we have become. It should encompass mental and spirital health.

Tags: ankylosing spondylitis | arthritis | healthcare